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Springtime Perennials and Annuals of Little Oak Spring

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Springtime Perennials and Annuals of Little Oak Spring

Join Holly Scoggins and the Horticulture Staff of OSGF for a deep dive into the spring-flowering herbaceous plants at the heart of Bunny Mellon’s private garden. The talented garden staff blends the heirloom cultivars and unusual species utilized by Bunny with modern selections, creating a seasonal tapestry of color and texture. We’ll cover the best of the spring-blooming perennials, cool season annuals, colorful geophytes, pollinator attractors, and tender glasshouse specialties, along with plenty of maintenance tips. One of the unique aspects of the garden is that Bunny favored reseeding plants – we’ll discuss how the current gardeners nurture (and control) this abundance. The garden of Little Oak Spring has a wide diversity of soil types, exposures, and micro-climates so you’re sure to discover wonderful plants able to thrive in your own garden environment.

More Details Coming Soon