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Oak Spring Garden

A garden, hovering always in a state of becoming, sums its own past and its future.
— Bunny Mellon

If “gardening is a way of thinking,” as Bunny Mellon once wrote, then her garden at Oak Spring was her journal writ in plantings and pathways. Of all the gardens she created in her lifetime, this half-acre space was her most personal. It grew as she did, and was a place where she experimented over the years of her long life with color, texture, and form.

OSGF actively manages the Oak Spring garden to sustain the principles and spirit of Bunny Mellon. Our garden team works closely with the Oak Spring Garden Library to research archival photographs that document Mrs. Mellon’s evolving garden style as they thoughtfully plant, prune, and pleach for the future. This includes the integration of forward-thinking practices that support sustainability; such as the inclusion of more native plant species, greatly reducing the use of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers, and adopting regular and repeated applications of chopped leaf mulch throughout the year to help develop the health of the soil over time.

Greenhouse Highlights: january

A Place to Grow

Bunny Mellon’s garden is maintained not only for enjoyment, but also to serve as a place for learning and inspiration. This has included gardening internships, workshops, and conferences hosted within the garden.

Visiting scholars, artists, and writers utilize the garden as both a living library of floral specimens, as well as a place of respite and connection. We believe strongly in supporting the development of leaders in the world of plants and the environment.

Every year we continue to develop and refine programs that will offer opportunities to learn in and from the garden. Explore our current programs under the “What We Do” tab.

Garden & Horticulture Programs

Come learn in our garden! We offer a series of one-day events and multi-day short courses on many topics relating to our mission. Below is a list of programs currently available that relate to gardens & horticulture.

Explore More

Gardens are full of stories, and we love to share them. Whether its news from the Oak Spring Garden, fascinating places and people from garden history, or practical horticulture tips, you can find our latest garden-related blog posts here.

Banner Image by Roger Foley