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A Tour of the Garden and Gallery at Oak Spring

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A Tour of the Garden and Gallery at Oak Spring

The Oak Spring Garden Foundation is a legacy of the designer, horticulturalist and philanthropist Rachel Lambert “Bunny” Mellon. Mrs. Mellon’s hope was that her extensive collection of rare books, artwork, and other materials relating to plants, gardens, and landscapes could continue to be used for education and inspiration.

Come be inspired by her formal walled garden and bask in the shade of the Mary Potter crabapple arbor as you take a self-paced walking tour through the marvelous landscape in Upperville, Virginia. Selections from "Fantastic Flora" a digital educational exhibit that blends art, culture, history, and science to explore the role of plants in both human history and the natural world will be featured.

On view in the Gallery will be our latest exhibition "The Final Resting Place Of President John F. Kennedy: The Untold Story Of A Lost Memorial." The exhibition celebrates the discovery of a poignant but never fully implemented memorial for the gravesite of President John F. Kennedy, designed by Jean Schlumberger, then at Tiffany & Co., with support from Rachel ‘Bunny’ Lambert Mellon at the request of First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy. The exhibition celebrates these friendships using archival material from the Oak Spring Garden Library and features art from Sara Lindsay, an alumna of the Oak Spring Garden Foundation Artist in Residency Program.

The Oak Spring Garden Foundation is a legacy of the designer, horticulturalist and philanthropist Rachel Lambert “Bunny” Mellon. Mrs. Mellon’s hope was that her extensive collection of rare books, artwork, and other materials relating to plants, gardens, and landscapes could continue to be used for education and inspiration.

Registration and Arrival

Tickets for this event are Timed Entry. Last check-in time is at 2:00 PM, however guests on-site are welcome to stay until 4:00 PM.

A Note on Accessibility

The Oak Spring Garden Foundation is located in the rural foothills of the Piedmont Mountains with rolling hills and often uneven terrain. Much of the tour route is gravel paths and not well suited to motorized carts or walkers. For your comfort and safety, please wear flat walking shoes, no spiked heels. Please watch for steps and uneven surfaces. Guests with mobility issues are advised to consider these factors prior to purchasing a tour ticket.


Guests are encouraged to photograph the grounds and garden and tag us on social media:
📷 Instagram: @oakspringgardenfoundation
(formerly Twitter): @oak_spring
📘 Facebook: Oak Spring Garden Foundation

Please note: Commercial photography of any kind is not permitted, nor are photos inside the Main Residence.

For more information about this event see below for a few of the "Frequently Asked Questions" or go to our website to view the full FAQs at