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Sabbatical Awards

 Oak Spring Plant Science and Plant Conservation Sabbatical Awards



The Oak Spring Garden Foundation (OSGF) is pleased to announce the launch of a new program – the Oak Spring Plant Science and Plant Conservation Sabbatical Awards. Applications close on July 15th, 2024, for the first two awards to be taken up in May and September 2025.

The goal is to provide advanced graduate students, post-docs, faculty or established scientists working in plant science and plant conservation, with an extended a stay of two to three months on the Oak Spring estate to undertake independent writing and thinking, away from the day-to-day demands of their other responsibilities.

The Award

Three awards will be made annually – one for each of three periods – January through mid-April, May through mid-August and September through mid-December. Each award comes with access to a private, self-contained, and well-appointed house on the Oak Spring estate and a $15,000 individual grant.

The Applicants We Seek

The applicants we seek will have a demonstrated track record of high-quality professional accomplishment and will be able to articulate a need for time and space to develop or complete work that relates to organismal plant science or plant conservation. An ability to convey how the unique resources at Oak Spring, including our landscape, library collection, garden, and Biocultural Conservation Farm – as well as our community of residents, fellows, apprentices, interns, and staff – might inspire or support the work proposed will be an advantage, but is not a requirement. Most important is the excellence and quality of the work proposed.

Application Deadlines

The application portal for 2025 awards will open in February 2024 and close July 2024. In 2025, the first full year of the year of the program, three awards will be given (January–mid- April 2025, May–mid-August, September–mid-December).

How to Apply

To apply for the 2025 Oak Spring Plant Science and Plant Conservation Sabbatical Awards, please visit: after February 1st, 2024 and locate the ‘2025 Oak Spring Plant Science and Plant Conservation Sabbatical Awards’ form.

You will be asked to submit:

  1. A detailed resume/curriculum vitae that includes a list of previous accomplishments, including publications, that demonstrate your work outputs and current interests.

  2. A brief 800–1,500-word statement that explains a need for an Oak Spring Plant Science and Plant Conservation Sabbatical that is timely, as well as the work you propose to undertake while based at Oak Spring, and why it is interesting and important. If appropriate, please also comment on how the proposed work might be inspired or supported by the Oak Spring landscape, library collections, garden, or Biocultural Conservation Farm.

Review Process

Applications will be reviewed by Oak Spring staff and an external panel of established individuals working in plant science and plant conservation. Applicants will be notified about the status of their application on Wednesday September 13th, 2024.

Life at Oak Spring

The Oak Spring Garden Foundation in Virginia ( is based on 700 acres of the former estate of Rachel Lambert Mellon, a little more than an hour west of downtown Washington DC and within sight of the Blue Ridge Mountains. The landscape and Formal Garden offers an abundance of plant life, and we are especially keen to support work that relates to species growing on site or in eastern North America.

Oak Spring does not have a laboratory or laboratory/science equipment, but it is beautiful tranquil space in which to think and write. Given the rural location of Oak Spring the awardee will need access to their own vehicle. Partners and/or children of the awardee are welcome. Pets are not allowed.

The only expectation of the awardee is that they become part of our thriving community of residents, fellows, apprentices, interns, and staff and give at least one presentation for staff, residents, and other short-term visitors during their time with us. The awardee will be invited to join some community meals and will have the opportunity to participate in occasional community programs, lectures, or other special events. There are also opportunities to volunteer in the Formal Garden or Biocultural Conservation Farm, to make appointments to visit the Oak Spring Library during staff hours (Monday – Friday, 8:00am – 4:00pm), which contains exceptional collections focused on the history of plant exploration, plant diversity and the development of gardens and landscape design.

The Oak Spring Garden Foundation

The mission of the Oak Spring Garden Foundation is to perpetuate and share the gifts of Rachel (“Bunny”) Lambert Mellon, including her residence, garden, estate, and the Oak Spring Garden Library, to serve the public interest. OSGF is dedicated to inspiring and facilitating scholarship and public dialogue on the history and future of plants, including the culture of gardens and landscapes and the importance of plants for human well-being.


Oak Spring Garden Foundation supports individuals regardless of race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, religion, marital status, creed, abilities/disabilities, or socio-economic status.