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Youth Education

 Education & Outreach

The role of our Education and Outreach team is to engage with and support our local community through exceptional programming that utilizes the unique resources of the Oak Spring Garden Foundation. With a primary focus on working with audiences who are historically underserved, our E+O team connects Oak Spring with K-12 students as well as retirees and other groups. We are proud to work closely with a series of local partners, including Fauquier County Public Libraries, Fauquier High School, Claude Thompson Elementary School, and Coleman Elementary School.

The OSGF Education and Outreach Program’s goals are to:

  • Establish partnerships between Oak Spring Garden Foundation, local schools, and organizations that serve youth and special populations.

  • Improve student learning and engagement through hands-on experiences.

  • Provide experiential learning opportunities that foster positive impacts on students’ future success.

  • Provide educational opportunities that include the mission and values set forth by the Oak Spring Garden Foundation of supporting and inspiring fresh thinking and bold action on the history and future of plants, including the art and culture of plants, gardens, and landscapes.

  • Share the resources of Paul and Bunny Mellon.

  • Educate people of all ages how they can conserve and enjoy nature, why they should get involved, and the lasting impact their involvement has on the environment.

Programs & Activities

Oak Spring Garden Foundation offers free programs for local public school students and youth/senior citizen organizations and clubs. Contact us to schedule your 2025-2026 programs beginning February 1, 2025. We also offer free teen programs at our local Fauquier Public Library locations. View the list below to see all of these upcoming opportunities.

If you work for a local organization and would like to collaborate with our Education and Outreach team, you can reach our Education and Outreach Specialist, Ginger Anderson at gingeranderson at