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Hand Building Topiary Pots with Frances Palmer

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Hand Building Topiary Pots with Frances Palmer


This immersive short course, led by world renown ceramist Frances Palmer, invites participants to explore the art of topiary through the lens of Bunny Mellon’s iconic garden legacy. Mrs. Mellon began crafting topiaries in her youth as part of her healing process from a pulmonary illness, and continued to refine the craft throughout her life. Inspired by her love of sculpted plants, especially her signature lollipop shaped herb trees made from myrtle, rosemary, thyme, and curry, participants will learn how to create their own hand-built topiary pot using traditional techniques. Set against the backdrop of the Oak Spring Garden Foundation, where Mrs. Mellon’s topiaries continue to thrive, this course combines hands-on instruction, garden exploration, and a deep dive into the history and artistry behind the topiary.

Course Objectives:

  • Explore the Art of Topiary: Participants will gain an understanding of the design principles and history of topiary, with particular emphasis on Bunny Mellon’s style and collection, which continues to inspire gardeners and artists today.

  • Create a Hand-Built Terracotta Pot: Through a step-by-step process, participants will learn the technique of slab-building to create their own custom terracotta pot, guided by esteemed ceramist and artist Frances Palmer. 

  • Hands-on Experience: Under the guidance of Head Gardener Allissa Montgomery, participants will observe and learn about the original topiaries at Oak Spring Garden Foundation and how to plant their own topiary.

  • Explore the Legacy of Bunny Mellon: A guided tour of the Oak Spring Library, led by Head Librarian Tony Willis, will offer a glimpse into Bunny Mellon’s personal book collection, highlighting works related to garden design and topiary.

  • Create a Lasting Artifact: At the end of the workshop, participants will leave with a hand-built terracotta pot, which will be fired and shipped to home addresses, allowing everyone to continue the topiary tradition at home.


A celebrated author, ceramist, gardener and photographer, Frances Palmer trained as an art historian at Columbia University and for the past 38 years, has focused on the process of changing ideas into form in her functional work – handmade ceramics. Her work is represented in leading private craft and contemporary art collections around the world and has been exhibited and sold internationally including at Fotografiska, Neue Galerie, Object & Thing and Wave Hill. Palmer has been featured in publications such as House & Garden, Neptune Papers, Vogue and The World of Interiors. Her first book, Life in the Studio: Inspiration and Lessons on Creativity was published by Artisan in 2020. Her second book, dedicated to the subject of flowers in her work, will be published in 2025.


Clay and tools for the pot-building portion of the course will be provided. A short list of additional items to bring, such as protective clothing and any personal materials for your topiary pot, will be shared upon acceptance into the course.


Whether you are a gardener, an artist, or simply a lover of beautiful things, this course offers a unique opportunity to connect with the life and work of Bunny Mellon, while learning practical skills in both gardening and pottery. No prior ceramic experience is required, as the process is designed to be accessible to all skill levels. This course will be limited to 9 participants. 

About OSGF:

The Oak Spring Garden Foundation (OSGF) is an operating foundation based on the former estate of Paul and Rachel ‘Bunny’ Mellon, two of the major U.S. philanthropists of the second half of the twentieth century. OSGF is located in the northern Virginia Piedmont and Blue Ridge Mountains region (ca. one-hour drive from Washington, D.C.). Led by Sir Peter Crane, the Foundation’s inaugural President, OSGF supports fellowships and residencies for artists and scholars, offers short courses, and engages its multiple audiences, including its local community in practical horticulture, as well as land stewardship for the conservation and restoration of biodiversity. OSGF is rapidly becoming a new center of excellence and stimulation for all things botanical, from fundamental research in plant evolution, to horticulture and plant conservation, as well as the history and contemporary practice of plant, garden and landscape art. 

Accommodation and Travel Information:

Participants will be accommodated with all meals and private lodging on site at Oak Spring. They will need to bring proper clothing for being in the field (a suggested list will be provided after acceptance) as well as materials for writing.

Participants are responsible for arranging their own travel to the Washington, D.C. area. If flying, please book flights to Dulles International Airport. International applicants are welcome, but fluency in English is necessary. Closer to the start date, our Programs team will assist with coordinating travel arrangements to the Oak Spring Garden Foundation site, as necessary.

Dates and Duration:

The course runs for two (2) days with participants arriving on Monday, September 8, 2025 and departing on Wednesday, September 10, 2025. Participants should plan to arrive between 1:00 pm and 4:00 pm on Monday, September 8, 2025 and depart around 3:00pm on Wednesday, September 10, 2025. 

Course Fee:

$1500 is all-inclusive and covers full tuition, lodging on-site for two nights in our comfortable suites, and all meals on-site (from dinner on Monday through lunch on Wednesday). This fee also includes the hand-built topiary pot, which will be fired and shipped directly to each participant’s home, with all shipping and handling costs covered.

Selection Process:

Application review will be done by Frances Palmers and OSGF staff.

Application Deadline:

Monday, May 19, 2025 at 11:59PM EST. 

The Oak Spring Garden Foundation is an equal opportunity employer and values diversity. Decisions are made on the basis of qualifications, merit and business need without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, or any other non-merit factor.