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Drawing From History: The Art of Silverpoint in The Royal Lessons

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Drawing From History: The Art of Silverpoint in The Royal Lessons

  • Oak Spring Garden Foundation | Apple House 1776 Loughborough Lane Upperville, VA, 20184 United States (map)

To see a silverpoint drawing is to be captivated by its luminous subtlety. Tilted towards the light it shimmers; left to time it develops a warm patina. Catherine Perrot was a painter of miniatures and a teacher of botanical painting in France during the reign of Louis XIV. Her book, “The Royal Lessons”, published posthumously shortly after her death in 1685 was written to share her knowledge with the public, for those who had experience in drawing and painting and for those who did not. She could think of no better examples for learning than the botanical prints by Nicholas Robert. In this introductory course we will explore the history of silverpoint, its place in the Lessons and Botanical Art, and learn about various grounds and metals that were and are commonly used. A visit to Oak Spring Garden’s Library will give us further Botanical Art knowledge and inspiration. With the provided materials, each participant will learn and practice silverpoint drawing techniques and create their own beautiful, shimmering Rose silverpoint drawing.

Tickets: $50