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2nd Annual Holiday Market in the Gallery

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2nd Annual Holiday Market in the Gallery


Come enjoy the charms of the Oak Spring Garden Foundation's Gallery and Gift Shop. Invited guests are welcome to drop in during our "open hours" for a shopping extravaganza just in time for the holiday season. In the Gift Shop we will have specialites from our Bio Cultural Conservation Farm including our apple butter, curry peach BBQ sauce and a new tomato chutney recipe.

On view in the Gallery will be a few holiday themed treasures from the Oak Spring Library in addition to our lastest exhibition "The Final Resting Place Of President John F. Kennedy: The Untold Story Of A Lost Memorial." The exhibition celebrates the discovery of a poignant but never fully implemented memorial for the gravesite of President John F. Kennedy, designed by Jean Schlumberger, then at Tiffany & Co., with support from Rachel ‘Bunny’ Lambert Mellon at the request of First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy. The exhibition celebrates these friendships using archival material from the Oak Spring Garden Library and features art from Sara Lindsay, an alumna of the Oak Spring Garden Foundation Artist in Residency Program.

Please note, guests will not have access to the library, formal garden, or main residence.

The Market in the Gallery will be offered for two days:

Day 1: Wednesday, December 11 | 2:00 - 8:00pm

Day 2: Thursday, December 12 | 2:00 - 8:00pm