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Thomas Jefferson Birthday Celebration with Peter Hatch

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Thomas Jefferson Birthday Celebration with Peter Hatch

  • Oak Spring Garden Library 4939 Sea Hero Lane Upperville, VA, 20117 United States (map)

Overview: This small group experience is for those interested in learning more about Thomas Jefferson and some of the spectacular treasures in Bunny Mellon's library.

Join the Oak Spring Garden Foundation for a special evening as we gather around the table and celebrate the birth of Thomas Jefferson. The evening begins with an illustrated lecture on Thomas Jefferson led by Peter Hatch in the Oak Spring Library. Guests will then enjoy a brief stroll through the formal garden to the main dining room of the Mellon residence for a meal researched and created by Chef Jason Neve. The dinner will highlight favorite dishes of Thomas Jefferson, many of which became popularized in the US after his time in France as well as an array of foods cultivated by Jefferson at Monticello. The event will begin promptly at 5:00pm in the Library and dinner will be served at 7:00pm.

Kindly note that due to the nature of this event, we are unable to accommodate dietary restrictions or preferences. This meal may contain dairy, eggs, gluten, and nuts.

About Oak Spring Garden Foundation: The Oak Spring Garden Foundation (OSGF) is a philanthropic foundation based at the former primary estate of the late Paul and Rachel Mellon, who were major philanthropists in the U.S. of the arts, humanities, and sciences in the second half of the twentieth century. OSGF is located in the northern Virginia Piedmont and Blue Ridge Mountains region (ca. one-hour drive from Washington, D.C.). Led by Sir Peter Crane, the Foundation’s inaugural President, OSGF provides workshops, short courses and supports residencies for artists and scholars. Its celebrated Library comprises rare books, manuscripts and works of art relating to horticulture, landscape design, botany and natural history. It is becoming a new center of stimulation of all things botanical, from fundamental research in plant evolution and conservation, to horticultural and plant conservation practice, to the history and art of plants, gardens and landscapes.

Photo Release Statement: By attending this event, you consent to your likeness and image being used for ongoing promotional and marketing efforts.

Availability: This event will be capped at 24 participants. Registrations will be accepted on a rolling basis through Eventbrite until full.Tickets: $250