Oak Spring Garden Foundation - Paint Out: In the Walled Garden

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Paint Out: In the Walled Garden

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Paint Out: In the Walled Garden

  • Oak Spring Garden Foundation 1776 Loughborough Lane Upperville United States (map)

Overview: The Oak Spring Garden Foundation is pleased to host this unique opportunity for practicing artists to visit and paint, draw or create other works inspired by the beauty found within the formal walled garden of Rachel "Bunny" Mellon.

This event is designed for practicing artists, such as plein air painters or botanical illustrators, or other artists who work outdoors and who are able to bring their own supplies and materials. We are, therefore, requesting that only artists who are comfortable working independently register for this event.

This event does not include a formal site tour and artists will not have access to the Oak Spring Library or any other location outside of the formal walled garden.

What to Bring:

  • Any and all necessary art supplies and materials

  • An easel (if desired)

  • A stool or folding chair to sit on

  • Hat and/or sunscreen

  • Bug Spray

  • Weather appropriate clothing

  • Water bottle

  • Snacks (if desired)

Tickets: $10

Availability: This event will be capped at 25 participants. Registrations will be accepted on a rolling basis through Eventbrite until full.