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Four Seasons of Treasures and Textiles – Autumn Session

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Four Seasons of Treasures and Textiles – Autumn Session


Experience Oak Spring throughout the seasons with this four-part workshop series. Each workshop will begin with an exclusive, in depth tour of the incredible treasures and heirlooms of the Mellon collection. Gather inspiration as you feast your senses on the incredible treasures of Bunny Mellon’s famed library, home, and stunning linen and china collections.

In the afternoon, transition from admiration to creation in a hands-on embroidery session. Participants will learn the basics of embroidery, including fundamental stitches and techniques used to create the works in Mrs. Mellon’s collections. Combine your inspiration and needleworking skills as you start stitching your own handmade keepsake of embroidered cocktail napkins. Whether you are a beginner or looking to refine your craft, this workshop will provide a perfect blend of exploration, relaxation and creativity.

Workshop Dates

This workshop series is iterative, allowing participants to gradually refine their embroidery skills, while also being flexible enough for participants to join at any point in the series:

  • Saturday, January 25, 2025: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM - ENDED

  • Saturday, May 10, 2025: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM - ENDED

  • Saturday, August 2, 2025:10:00 AM - 4:00 PM - ENDED

  • Saturday, October 25, 2025:10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Complimentary Items: Materials for this workshop will be provided for all participants in addition to a boxed lunch. When purchasing ticket(s) for lunch, you will be asked to provide your dietary restrictions.

Exact menus will be determined closer to the date of the event. Please note that we will do our best to accommodate general dietary needs. If you have specific or sensitive dietary restrictions, please plan to pack a sack lunch.

About Oak Spring Garden Foundation: The Oak Spring Garden Foundation (OSGF) is a philanthropic foundation based at the former primary estate of the late Paul and Rachel 'Bunny' Mellon, who were major philanthropists in the U.S. of the arts, humanities, and sciences in the second half of the twentieth century. OSGF is located in the northern Virginia Piedmont and Blue Ridge Mountains region (ca. one-hour drive from Washington, D.C.). Led by Sir Peter Crane, the Foundation’s inaugural President, OSGF provides workshops, short courses and supports residencies for artists and scholars. Its celebrated Library comprises rare books, manuscripts and works of art relating to horticulture, landscape design, botany and natural history. It is becoming a new center of stimulation of all things botanical, from fundamental research in plant evolution and conservation, to horticultural and plant conservation practice, to the history and art of plants, gardens and landscapes.

Photo Release Statement

By attending this event, you consent to your likeness and image being used for ongoing promotional and marketing efforts.

Availability: This event will be capped at 15 participants. Registrations will be accepted on a rolling basis through Eventbrite until full.

Header Image: Hilary Fayle - Blooms for Grace, 2021

Hillary Waters Fayle is an artist and Assistant Professor at Virginia Commonwealth University, where she directs the fiber/textile program. She has taught embroidery and textile workshops around the world and is an alumna of the Oak Spring Garden Foundation’s Artist Residency Program. Her work is in the permanent collections of the AKG Museum in Buffalo, NY, Grace Farms Foundation in New Canaan, CT, the United States Embassy to Sri Lanka, Colombo, the Kalmthout Arboretum & Botanical Gardens in Belgium and is on view at the US Embassies in Algiers, Algeria and Dhaka, Bangladesh. Recent professional projects and publications include collaborations with Domestika, L'Occitane en Provance and the New York Botanical Garden.