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Biodiversity Walk

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Biodiversity Walk

  • Oak Spring Garden Foundation | The Pavilion 8614 Mill Reef Road Upperville, VA, 20184 United States (map)

Overview: Join the Oak Spring Biodiversity Conservation Team for a biodiversity walk across the forests and meadows at OSGF. The morning will consist of a walking tour across parts of the 700-acre property to observe and highlight notable biota, such as birds, insects, mammals, and plant communities, and discuss ongoing projects and collaborations. Novice and seasoned wildlife watchers welcome.

The Oak Spring estate, protected by Paul and Bunny Mellon as part of a conservation easement, features a rich mixture of fields, meadows, woods, streams, and wetlands. OSGF is actively stewarding the land to protect and foster wildlife communities on the estate. In accordance with the mission of the Foundation, OSGF’s Biodiversity Conservation Team is actively working to inventory the diversity of plants and animals on site, cultivate their habitats, and share these biotic treasures with the public.

What to Expect: Please expect several hours of moderate walking across hilly fields and similar uneven terrain. Participants should arrive with proper footwear, sufficient water, and dress appropriately for the weather, rain or shine. Binoculars and digital cameras encouraged. Light refreshments will be provided at the start of the walk.

Weather Update: In the event of inclement weather or heavy rain, the event will be canceled and participants will be notified by Eventbrite email the day before.

Photo Release Statement: By attending this event, you consent to your likeness and image being used for ongoing promotional and marketing efforts.

Availability: This Biodiversity Walk will be capped at 15 participants. Registrations will be accepted on a rolling basis through Eventbrite until full.

Banner image: Savannah Sparrow by Joshua Rector