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Video Transcript: NYBG Exhibit: Bunny Mellon's Botanical Art

Bunny Mellon had a lifelong passion for collecting books and art. Her collections captured her love of plants, gardens and landscapes, and her sense of wonder about the natural world.

Mrs. Mellon’slegacy lives on through the Oak Spring Garden Library, which houses over 16,000 books, manuscripts, drawings, and artifacts. These are the focus of study by scholars and artists and writers from all over the world.

Between now and early February, in partnership with the Oak Spring Garden Foundation, the New York Botanical Garden is exhibiting 80 unique treasures from Mrs. Mellon’s collections, many of which have never before been shown in public. The exhibit includes masterpieces, from rare 14th century manuscripts to spectacular 18th century watercolors, and 20th-century pieces by Picasso and Warhol.

The exhibition is open at the New York Botanical Garden from October 8th to February 12th, 2017.