Video Transcript: Welcome to the Oak Spring Garden Foundation
Welcome to the Oak Spring Garden Foundation! I never had the pleasure of meeting Mrs. Mellon, but we have the wonderful opportunity to try to fulfill her hopes and dreams through the Oak Spring Garden Foundation.
The focus of the Foundation will be on the world of plants: the ecology of plants, the evolution of plants, but also the art of plants – the art of gardens, the art of landscape design, but also horticultural practice and the uses of plants for sustainable agriculture.
We’re just getting started here at the Oak Spring Garden Foundation. A big transition is underway, but we hope in the future that we’ll be able to share this place, this magnificent place, with many people from around the world who will come here to reflect, to study, to think about the world of plants.
We will use this location as a venue for conferences and workshops. We’ll be able to offer fellowships and internships and scholarships for young people, especially young leaders, who are interested in the world of plants.
We look forward to sharing our progress with you in the years and months to come.