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Virtual Bird Walk Species List

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Virtual Bird Walk Species List


Scroll down to see a list of the bird and butterfly species that we observed during our Virtual Bird Walk. The list was prepared by Tom Wood and Laura McDonald of the Audubon Society of Northern Virginia; it can also be viewed on eBird.

PC: Robert Lawton

PC: Robert Lawton

Wood Ducks (observed: 2)

Killdeer (observed: 1)

PC: Frank Schulenburg

PC: Frank Schulenburg

Great Blue Heron (Observed: 1)

A black vulture chick nesting in an old building on Rokeby. PC: BCCF farmer Nick Sette.

A black vulture chick nesting in an old building on Rokeby. PC: BCCF farmer Nick Sette.

Black Vulture (Observed: 1)

Screen Shot 2020-09-29 at 11.58.52 AM.png

Turkey Vulture (Observed: 4)

PC: Oak Spring arborist/conservationist Sarah Causey.

PC: Oak Spring arborist/conservationist Sarah Causey.

Bald Eagle (Observed: 1)

PC: Dick Daniels

PC: Dick Daniels

Red-tailed Hawk (observed: 2)

PC: Andy Reago and Chrissy McClarren

PC: Andy Reago and Chrissy McClarren

red-bellied woodpecker (observed: 4)

PC: Kate Perez

PC: Kate Perez

pileated woodpecker (observed: 1)

eastern phoebe (observed: 4)

PC: Andy Reago and Chrissy McClarren

PC: Andy Reago and Chrissy McClarren

red-eyed vireo (observed: 1)

PC: Manjith Kainickara 

PC: Manjith Kainickara

Eastern Blue Jay (observed: 75)


American Crow (Observed: 5)

PC: Bill Boulton

PC: Bill Boulton

Common raven (observed: 3)

PC: Melissa McMasters

PC: Melissa McMasters

Carolina Chickadee (observed: 2)


tufted titmouse (observed: 2)

PC: VJ Anderson

PC: VJ Anderson

Tree Swallow (observed: 4)

PC: Rhododendrites

PC: Rhododendrites

White-breasted nuthatch (observed: 2)

PC: Rhododendrites

PC: Rhododendrites

House Wren (Observed: 1)

PC: Picasa

PC: Picasa

Carolina Wren (observed: 3)

PC: Charles J Sharp

PC: Charles J Sharp

European Starling (Observed: 10)

PC: Rhododendrites

PC: Rhododendrites

Gray catbird (observed: 1)

mocking bird.jpg

Northern mockingbird (observed: 3)

PC: Oak Spring arborist/conservationist Sarah Causey

PC: Oak Spring arborist/conservationist Sarah Causey

Eastern Bluebird (Observed: 5)

PC: U.S. Fish and Wildlife

PC: U.S. Fish and Wildlife

Savannah Sparrow (Observed: 5)

PC: Becky Matsurbara

PC: Becky Matsurbara

Song Sparrow (Observed: 10)

PC: Alastair Rae

PC: Alastair Rae

Eastern meadowlark (observed: 15)

PC: Andy Reago and Chrissy McClarren

PC: Andy Reago and Chrissy McClarren

Magnolia Warbler (observed: 1)

PC: Dick Daniels

PC: Dick Daniels

Northern Cardinal (Observed: 4)

Butterflies observed

Monarch bluebeard.jpg

Butterfly species observed: Pipevine Swallowtail, Cabbage White, Clouded Sulphur, Orange Sulphur, Eastern-tailed Blue, Monarch, Variegated Fritillary, Great Spangled Fritillary, Red-spotted Purple, Common Buckeye, Anglewing species, and Painted Lady. Skipper species observed: Sachem, Peck's Skipper, and Zabulon Skipper.

To learn more about how we manage bird habitat at Oak Spring, read our recent blogpost about grassland bird conservation.

Banner photo by Alastair Rae.