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Holiday Cocktail Recipe: The Boulevardier

Blog Posts

Holiday Cocktail Recipe: The Boulevardier


If you’re looking for a cocktail that’s both simple and acts as a fun conversation starter at your holiday festivities, consider the boulevardier. This is a lesser known sibling to the Negroni and pulls in all the warm notes you expect from a seasonal cocktail with no sourcing of star-anise or whole cloves required. With only three simple ingredients and a 1:1:1 ratio, it’s easy to make so you can spend less time prepping and more time connecting with those you hold dear.

At our fourth annual Celebrating the Harvest Dinner, Chef Jason Neeve shared that his inspiration for this cocktail was drawn from the re-discovery of the memorial designed by Mrs. Mellon for President John F. Kennedy’s grave.

Lost cocktail, refound, that’s tasty and delicious.


⅓ Rye Whiskey (Old Overholdt)

⅓ Campari

⅓ Sweet Red Vermouth


Pour equal parts into a lowball cocktail glass with ice, stir until chilled and enjoy!

(Optional garnish: orange zest)