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Mapping New Skills at the Esri Federal GIS Conference

Blog Posts

Mapping New Skills at the Esri Federal GIS Conference


Thanks to our nonprofit partnership with Esri, OSGF receives complimentary attendance to the Esri Federal GIS Conference in Washington, D.C. each year. This incredible event brings together GIS professionals, nonprofit organizations, and industry leaders to explore cutting-edge technology, innovative methodologies, and real-world applications of GIS.

This year, team members from our Biodiversity Conservation Team; Arboriculture Conservation and Landscape Team; and the Garden Team joined Katharine, OSGF’s GIS Data Systems Manager, for expert-led training, networking, and hands-on learning. They had the opportunity to connect with fellow nonprofits like NatureServe and iNaturalist, as well as federal agencies including EPA, BLM, USGS, and NOAA.

Beyond the expert-led sessions and invaluable networking opportunities, each member of our team had their own key takeaways from the conference. From discovering new tools and workflows to gaining insight into how GIS is shaping the future of conservation and land manangement, everyone left inspired and ready to apply what they learned.

Here’s what some of our team members had to say about their experience:

Sarah K (Biodiversity Conservation Team) :  I knew that there were many applications of ArcGIS and Esri products to conservation, but what I was able to learn from the FedGIS conference completely changed the way I will approach data management and analysis. I am excited to share my fieldwork findings through StoryMaps and Dashboards and create models through ArcGIS Pro to work toward invasive management and plant conservation! The conference was a wonderful experience that allowed me to specialize my GIS knowledge toward assisting OSGF in its mission.

Greg C (Biodiversity Conservation Team) :  While I went into the event with some knowledge of Esri products and their capabilities, attending the conference really opened my eyes to the versatility of their platforms. These products can be applied in truly any industry. It was inspiring to see examples and demonstrations of creative approaches that GIS professionals have come up with to solve complex problems ranging from national security to preserving and protecting global biodiversity. Each session I attended not only answered pre-existing questions I had, but also provided me with insight into how I can more effectively utilize Esri products in my day-to-day work at OSGF.

Sam H (Arboriculture, Conservation and Landscape Team) :  This was the first conference I've attended, and it greatly exceeded my expectations.  I was amazed by the magnitude of the event and found the presentations by Esri inspiring. I learned a great deal from the field operations sessions that I will take with me for my work in the arboretum and tree inventory. 

Bennett M (Garden Team) : The ESRI conference in DC was a great opportunity to meet colleagues and learn more about ESRI products. Being on the garden team, I focused on delving more into Field Maps and ArcGIS Pro to set up my team, and our maps for success. I found so much inspiration and quite a few helpful shortcuts from all of the interesting people and sessions I was fortunate enough to be able to attend. And one of my favorite parts was learning from my coworkers at OS who were also in attendance, and downloading with each other on the sessions we just attended.

Through this experience, our teams are expanding their GIS skills and exploring new ways to enhance OSGF’s mission with geospatial solutions. We’re excited to bring back what we’ve learned and apply it to our work for the foundation. The Esri Federal GIS Conference is an incredible opportunity to develop GIS skills, connect with experts, and explore the many non-GIS tools available through our Esri collaboration, and we are excited to continue our development at next year’s conference.