Plant Family: Zingiberaceae
Latin Family: Zingiber officinale
Varieties We Grow:
Storage: Fresh ginger stores well for up to 2 weeks in the refrigerator. Drying, freezing or crystallizing will extend the life of fresh ginger.
Fresh ginger, or young/baby ginger, is the young ginger rhizome that has been harvested before reaching full maturity, which is when the rhizomes form the outer skin layer that dries to a light brown. The BCCF plants ginger (and turmeric) rhizomes in May, after the last frost, and harvests prior to typical first frost mid-October. With this 5 month growing season, the rhizomes can still size up quite large, but they will have no rough, outer skin layer. Without the skin, the young ginger will appear peeled and has a much shorter shelf life– only a week or two compared to a month or longer. On the plus side, there is no outer skin to peel when prepping for your meal or dish!
Fresh ginger can be utilized in so many different ways. We recommend slicing or mincing it up and tossing in soups, stews, stir-fries, curries, in a pot of tea, simmered into golden milk, infused into vinegar for salad dressing, juiced with other fruits and veggies in your juicer and much much more!

For freezing: Simply slice into one or two inch pieces and store in an airtight container and freeze. When ready to use, take the ginger out of the freezer and grate as is– there is no need to thaw as the ginger will actually grate nice and easy when frozen.
How to Make Crystallized Ginger:
Fresh Ginger Tea:
Carrot Ginger Dressing:
Ginger and Cardamom Apple Pie:
Ginger Miso Soup with Soba and Turnips: