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Oak Spring: A Place to Grow

Exhibits Page Summary

Oak Spring: A Place to Grow


This exhibit showcases works from visual artists and writers from all over the world who have participated in a residency or fellowship at the Oak Spring Garden Foundation (OSGF). OSGF’s residency and fellowship programs offer writers, researchers, ecologists, and artists the time and space to experiment and work in a supportive environment. Residents live and work alongside one another for two to five weeks on OSGF’s Rokeby Farm. They spend their time communing over meals, exploring the 700-acre Oak Spring Landscape and Mrs. Mellon’s formal gardens, and visiting the Oak Spring Garden Library. It was Mrs. Mellon’s aspiration for these beautiful and unique resources to be utilized by artists and researchers who are interested in plants. Through this program, we continue both Mr. and Mrs. Mellon’s legacy of supporting the arts and sciences.

Since 2018, OSGF has hosted over 120 residents and our flagship programs include our Interdisciplinary Residency, Botanical Artist Residency, Plant Conservation Science Fellowship, Plant Science Research Fellowship, Stacy Lloyd Fellowship for Bibliographic Studies, and Eliza Moore Fellowship for Artistic Excellence.

This exhibition honors the residents who have attended our programs and it conveys the many ways residents have been inspired by the Foundation. We look forward to growing strong roots with our alumni and we are excited to welcome future residents who we hope will continue to find creative and intellectual stimulation at Oak Spring.

Photos of the Exhibit by Mary Ford Parker