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December 2020

Newsletter Archive

December 2020



The Sunshine Ahead

"In a way Winter is the real Spring - the time when the inner things happen, the resurgence of nature."

–  Edna O'Brien

With the solstice yesterday, winter has officially begun. Days will slowly grow longer and now, as we bundle for warmth, we take the time to celebrate holidays, reflect on a challenging year, and contemplate the future. Read below to see our final updates and announcements for 2020. We wish everyone a joyous and safe holiday season and look forward to connecting more with you in the new year! 

A Look Back at OSGF in 2020

This has been a challenging year for the world, but it has also presented the Oak Spring Garden Foundation many opportunities to grow, cultivate a sense of community, and discover new ways of sharing the resources and beauty of our landscape.

Our 2021 Fellows & Residents

We are thrilled to announce our selections for next year's Fellowship and Residency programs. 

2021 Fellows

In addition to our annual Stacy Lloyd III Fellowship for Bibliographic Study and our Eliza Moore Fellowship for Artistic Excellence, we are excited to offer two new fellowships in 2021 – the Fellowship in Plant Science Research and the Fellowship in Plant Conservation Biology. These fellowships include a $10,000 individual grant. Meet our 2021 Fellows.

Socially-Distanced Residents

In 2021, we are continuing our socially-distanced residencies. Artists, scholars, and scientists participating in this program receive a $2,000 individual grant, a house to themselves, and 24/7 studio access. Meet our upcoming residents.

Interdisciplinary Residents

Later in 2021, we will begin hosting interdisciplinary residencies, which bring together artists, conservationists, researchers, scientists, and other scholars. Each resident receives a $2,000 individual grant as well as time and space to pursue their creative projects alongside other residents of diverse perspectives. Meet our interdisciplinary cohorts.

Botanical Artists in Residence

We will also be hosting three botanical artists in 2021. These artists create beautiful and scientifically accurate depictions of plant species, and will spend time at Oak Spring discovering specimens around the landscape and exploring the singular collections of the Oak Spring Garden Library. Meet our Botanical Artists in Residence.

Fall 2020 Virtual AiR

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, we explored various alternative ways to safely support artists in lieu of highly interactive in-person residencies. One way we achieved this was by hosting virtual residencies, where artists participated in teleconferenced showcases and submitted works for an online exhibit. We published the works of our Summer 2020 AiR earlier this year, and now you can explore the works of our Fall 2020 Artists in Residence. Image by Roger Foley.

Foraging for Holiday Décor

Plants have long had significant meaning in holiday celebrations across many customs and cultures. Here at Oak Spring, it's a tradition to create and ornament our buildings with wreaths of greenery foraged from around the property. Learn about some of the plants you might find in Virginia woodlands that have been used to deck the halls.

Reading the Landscape 2021

Applications are now open for our 2021 Reading the Landscape short course. The goal of the program is to provide professionals and advanced students from various backgrounds the skills and context to be able to apply a landscape history perspective to their work, research, or studies. Apply here.
Our Fantastic Flora exhibit has continued to grow throughout the year. In 2021, we will continue to add fascinating plants to the collection, and in the early months of the year we will launch downloadable copies for educators to create their own Fantastic Flora displays. See our growing collection at
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