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July 2017

Newsletter Archive

July 2017


OSGF is dedicated to engaging people in the world of plants.
July 2017
The Oak Spring Garden Library. Image credit: Roger Foley, 2017.
Connecting our collections with the world.
We are excited to announce the launch of the Oak Spring Garden Foundation's partner page on the Google Cultural Institute (GCI). Anyone, anywhere, can now view high-quality digital images of our library collection and read the stories behind the objects contained within. We have now joined over 1,000 museums around the world, granting unprecedented access to Bunny Mellon's storied Oak Spring Garden Library.

Bunny Mellon, herself a horticultural icon, had a keen eye for uncovering hidden gems, including women botanical artists. Our first theme on GCI focuses on sharing the stories of these overlooked but significant women.
Explore our collections
Research & Scholarship

Prior to the International Botanical Congress in Shenzhen, China, OSGF President Peter Crane has been undertaking fieldwork in Inner Mongolia with colleagues from the Chicago Botanic Garden and the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology. Read about their expedition and the upcoming congress >
Pollinators. In the midst of the summer pollinator frenzy, we want to celebrate and protect the species that have pollinated native plants for hundreds of years. Click here to read about native pollinators >
Rooms to grow. Paul Mellon's love of sporting and British art were matched by his philanthropic spirit. Now, we are honoring his memory with new accommodation for scholars. Click to read more about OSGF's Broodmare Barn >
In the garden. From late spring to midsummer, we have watched the Oak Spring Garden fill with life.  Our team of gardeners have been hard at work cultivating flowers, fruits and vegetables. Flip through our slideshow to see Oak Spring in the Summer > 
Possibilies. Our work has been propelled by over 10 interns, and as we continue to develop our programming, there will be a growing number of opportunities. We are currently hiring a director level position. Keep up on our Opportunities Page >
Copyright © 2016 Oak Spring Garden Foundation, All rights reserved.

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