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Invasive Plant Species - Management and Control

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Invasive Plant Species - Management and Control

  • Rokeby Farm | Quadrangle Classroom 8622 Mill Reef Road Middleburg, VA, 20117 United States (map)

Overview: This workshop will be led by Oak Spring Garden Foundation (OSGF) staff members Curtis Wurth and Clif Brown. Participants will come away with a deeper understanding of several treatment methods for managing invasive plant species.

Following an introductory session about tools and treatments, participants will gain some hands-on experience identifying and learning treatment application methods out on the landscape. Topics to be covered will include: the identification of common invasive plant species, the timing and practical application of available treatment methods and other issues related to the management of current and potential future invasive plant species.

PLEASE NOTE: Do NOT bring your own pruning tools or any plant material.

What to Expect: Participants can expect to walk about 2 miles over uneven terrain. Sturdy walking shoes or boots as well as proper outdoor clothing are required. Light refreshments and snacks will be provided to all participants.

Tickets: $25

This event will take place on the Rokeby Farm portion of OSGF and will not include a tour of the library, formal garden, or main residence.

Clif Brown began working on the property in 1988 and worked directly with Mrs. Rachel Lambert Mellon to achieve her aesthetic vision for the trees surrounding the Little Oak Spring property. Clif has over 30 years of landscape management experience and has been the Head of the ACL team since its inception in 2014.

Curtis Wurth has 27 years working experience on the property. He joined OSGF in 2017 and currently leads our invasive plant management efforts. Curtis also works closely with Blue Ridge PRISM and is a member of the North America Invasive Species Management Association (NAISMA).