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Paint Out: In the Landscape - Independent Work Session for Artists

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Paint Out: In the Landscape - Independent Work Session for Artists

  • Oak Spring Garden Foundation | Airport Studio 8616 Mill Reef Road Upperville, VA, 20117 United States (map)


The Oak Spring Garden Foundation is set in a special landscape that includes rolling hills, views of the Blue Ridge Mountains at some vantages, and abundant wildlife. The landscape has served as inspiration for local artists in the past, and presently through our residency and fellowship programs. OSGF is pleased to host this event, which will allow local artists to visit work in our landscape for 4-hours.

This opportunity is designed for practicing artists, such as plein air painters, or other artists who work outdoors, and who are able to bring their own supplies and materials. This event will take place on the Rokeby Farm airstrip at the Oak Spring Garden Foundation in Upperville, Virginia. Artists will be asked to stay within a specified acre for the entire program. The Oak Spring Garden Foundation is pleased to host this unique opportunity for practicing artists to visit and paint, draw or create other works inspired by the beauty of the landscape.

This event is designed for practicing artists, such as plein air painters or botanical illustrators, or other artists who work outdoors and who are able to bring their own supplies and materials. We are, therefore, requesting that only artists who are comfortable working independently register for this event.

This event does not include a formal site tour and artists will not have access to the Main Residence, Formal Garden, the Oak Spring Library, or other areas of the property.

What to Bring:

  • Any and all necessary art supplies and materials

  • An easel (if desired)

  • A stool or folding chair to sit on

  • Hat and/or sunscreen

  • Bug Spray

  • Weather appropriate clothing

  • Water bottle

  • Snacks (if desired)

Tickets: $10