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Norton's Virginia Seedling Wine Tasting

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Norton's Virginia Seedling Wine Tasting

  • Oak Spring Garden Foundation | The Granary 8614 Mill Reef Road Upperville, VA, 20184 United States (map)

Overview: Enthusiasts of wine, native plants, and plant mysteries will enjoy this intriguing tale of how American vines both devastated and saved vineyards around the world. Come learn how Dr. Daniel Norton, Dennis Horton, Oliver North, and a pesky louse play influenced this tale of history, technology, horticulture, and amazing happenstance. Along the journey, participants will taste five wines that showcase a native grape and the native-Old World hybrid that is Virginia’s own. Taste and learn about the wine varietal that has great characteristics – and a great story!

Complimentary Items: All participants will receive small bites to enhance enjoyment of the Norton wines.

Tickets: $75

Earlier Event: February 10
Woodland Treasures
Later Event: February 24
Planning Your Wildlife Garden