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Leaning Toward Light

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Leaning Toward Light

  • Busboys and Poets | Langston Hughes Room 2021 14th Street Northwest Washington, DC, 20009 United States (map)

Overview: The Oak Spring Garden Foundation hopes you will join us at Busboys and Poets to celebrate the release of Leaning Toward Light, a new anthology of poems edited by Tess Taylor. The evening will include readings from Tess Taylor and Ross Gay, as well as a brief moderated conversation and time for questions led by L. Renée. Following the reading and conversation, Tess and Ross will be avaible for book signings.

Leaning Toward Light includes works by conemporary poets including Ross Gay, Jericho Brown, Mark Doty, Jane Hirshfield, Ada Limón, Danusha Laméris, Naomi Shihab Nye, Garrett Hongo, Ellen Bass, and James Crews, as well as rising stars. The book celebrates gardens and gardeners, and the communtities small and large that thrive becuase of them.

Copies of Leaning Toward Light will be available for purchase at the event, and tickets include 1 drink ticket.

Tickets: $15

Earlier Event: March 14
Seeding Black Futures
Later Event: March 23
Basics of Pruning