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Basics of Pruning

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Basics of Pruning

  • Oak Spring Garden Foundation | The Granary 8622 Mill Reef Road Middleburg, VA, 20117 United States (map)

Overview: This workshop will be led by our Arboriculture, Conservation and Landscapes (ACL) team and will feature a special presentation by Shane Wagoneer from Bartlett Tree Experts. Following an indoor theory presentation about pruning woody plants, participants will gain hands-on experience using and maintaining pruning tools.

The course will take place indoors and, weather permitting, outdoors under cover at our Pavilion so please bring layers of clothing, gloves, and appropriate footwear. The morning will start with an overview of pruning practices that focus on woody plants. The course will cover the use and care of pruning tools and the basics of pruning theory. Participants will have a chance for some hands-on pruning experience using containerized plants.

This event will take place on the Rokeby Farm portion of OSGF. The event will not include a tour of the formal garden, or main residence.

PLEASE NOTE: Do NOT bring your own pruning tools or any plant material.

What will be provided:

Light refreshments (coffee / tea / water) and snacks will be provided to all participants.

Tickets: $50