Oak Spring Garden Foundation - Arugula

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CSA Crop List



Plant Family: Brassicaceae

Latin Name: Eruca sativa

Varieties We Grow: Astro, Esme

Storage: Store in the refrigerator in an airtight container/bag. Arugula is best eaten within 1 week.

Arugula is a cool-season green with a peppery, spicy bite. Native to the Mediterranean region, Arugula grows well outside in the Spring and Fall in our Virginia climate. Arugula is extremely versatile; it can be eaten raw, such as in a salad or pesto, or cooked in dishes, like pastas, quiches and sautes. Some may find arugula to be too spicy, and for that, we recommend either cooking the arugula or tossing it with a light vinaigrette. Our favorite dressing involves whisking olive oil, lemon juice, honey, salt, pepper and some whole grain mustard seed until thoroughly combined. Blending arugula into a pesto or cooking with arugula is a great way to use up leaves that are slightly past their prime.