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CSA Crop List



Plant Family: Rosaceae

Latin Name: Prunus persica

Varieties We Grow:

Storage: Peaches will ripen on the counter, so store in the refrigerator for up to 1 week to extend their life. 

Every year, the BCCF team harvests peaches from Mrs. Mellon’s orchard. In 2022, we were lucky enough to pick over 15 bushels of peaches– we even had enough to jar our own OSGF peach curry barbeque sauce! This sauce has an Indian-inspired flavor profile and would be delicious as a marinade or glaze, blended into dipping sauces, drizzled on homemade pizza and more. We love to share this sauce with our CSA members, so look out for it in your share! 

Peaches are delicious cut up and topped on salads, tossed into smoothies, chopped up for peach pie and simply eaten as is. When testing the ripeness of peaches, we recommend gently squeezing the baseball sized fruit in your palm, taking care not to bruise the skin. If there's some give, the fruit should be ripe. If it's still hard, place the peaches in a brown paper bag and close the top; the ethylene gas that naturally comes off the peaches will ripen the fruits faster. 

The fruits are sprayed with a bentonite clay solution while they are still on the tree, so the peaches may appear to have a white film. Bentonite clay helps prevent damage from insects that are just as excited about juicy peaches as we are! Give your peaches a little rinse before eating.
