Oak Spring Garden Foundation - Swiss Chard

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Swiss Chard

CSA Crop List

Swiss Chard


Plant Family: Amaranthaceae

Latin Name: Beta vulgaris var. cicla

Varieties We Grow: Bright Lights, Rainbow

Storage: Store in an unvented bag/airtight container for up to 10 days. Be sure to shake any excess water off leaves before storing. 

​​Swiss Chard, or Chard for short, is a large green leafy vegetable in the Amaranthaceae family, making it very closely related to both beets and spinach. Like beets and spinach, swiss chard is full of nutrients including vitamin K, vitamin C, magnesium and calcium. Chard can be eaten both raw and cooked and is delicious in stir-fries, soups or any recipe that calls for cooked greens. Most of the time, the leafy greens and the stem should be treated a bit differently. Since the stems are a bit more tough than the leafy part, toss the stems in a minute or two before the leafy greens to cook them a little longer.