Oak Spring Garden Foundation - Komatsuna

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CSA Crop List



Plant Family: Brassicaceae

Latin Name: Brassica rapa var. Perviridis

Varieties We Grow: Summer Fest, Carlton

Storage: Store in the refrigerator in an airtight container/bag for up to 1 week.

Komatsuna is an extremely tender leafy green often referred to as ‘Japanese Mustard Spinach.’ As its name suggests, komatsuna is a great growing and cooking alternative to regular spinach with a slight bitter, mustardy taste. In our climate, komatsuna grows fast and can tolerate both cold and hot temperatures (which is something spinach does not do well). Like any dark, leafy green, komatsuna is ideal for quick stir-fries or sautées with aromatic spices such as ginger and garlic, but it can also be eaten raw if the leaves are young and extra tender. In Japan, cooks occasionally serve the leafy green with grated daikon radish. 
