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Darlington Oak Drone 1.jpg

Darlington Oak

 Darlington Oak

On June 22, 2022 a severe thunderstorm swept across Fauquier County, causing widespread damage and leaving thousands without power. Sadly, a significant number of trees were harmed and many even destroyed, including the Darlington Oak (Quercus hemisphaerica) that had been providing shade inside of the walls of the Formal Garden for over 65 years.

This Oak was originally planted as part of a line of formally trained tees which separated the main gardens from the croquet lawn. Over time the trees declined and ultimately were removed, except the one whose canopy grew to dominate the sky over the garden.

While we mourn the loss of many great trees, we are formulating a replanting plan for both inside the Formal Garden and out in the greater landscape. We  are dedicated to integrating modern horticulture practices with preservation objectives to ensure that important resources are protected and that garden and landscape character is preserved over time.

Archival Images of the Darlington Oak Hedge