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Rory McEwen Exhibit


Born in Scotland in 1932, Rory McEwen first made his name as a television presenter and musician, becoming a pivotal figure in the folk revival movement. From 1964 until his death in 1982, McEwen concentrated on his work as a contemporary artist and sculptor, most famously creating the exquisite renditions in watercolor on vellum which have earned him the accolade of being the 20th century’s greatest botanical painter.

The piece you are viewing will be part of a major exhibition of Rory McEwen’s works beginning in January 2024. This exhibit will feature over 80 of McEwen’s most iconic works on vellum and paper, several of which have never been shown before. See below for the exhibition’s dates and venues and to visit the official exhibition website.

Exhibit Opening

Gibbes Museum of Art, Charleston, SC: Jan 26 – April 28, 2024

Davis Museum at Wellesley College, Boston MA:  September 26 - December 15, 2024

The Society of the Four Arts, Palm Beach, FL:  February 1, - March 25, 2025

The Driehaus Museum, Chicago, IL:  May 17 - August 17, 2025