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January 2017

Newsletter Archive

January 2017


OSGF is dedicated to engaging people in the world of plants.
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January 2017
"This diverse library of books and drawings is forever giving us hope and new ideas"  — Bunny Mellon
A new year has dawned and with it comes new aspirations and opportunities. At OSGF, we have a mission that includes nurturing new perspectives on work in the world of plants. To that end, we are launching a major initiative in 2017 to increase recognition of the role that women have played in forwarding botanical knowledge and art. We have highlighted these and other efforts below, and we look forward to sharing more in the coming months!
Research & Scholarship

We are dedicated to facilitating scholarship in a variety of plant-related studies. Our President, Peter Crane, remains an active scholar in the field of plant evolutionary biology and recently coauthored a paper published by the Royal Society on a fossilized flower bud and its significance for understanding the evolution of flowering plants. You can learn more about the paper, explore images and videos, and read the paper itself by clicking here >
Programs. OSGF is recruiting young leaders to assist us this summer with projects focusing on botanical art history and plant science communication. Check out this Internship Opportunity >
In the Garden. The leaves have fallen and the ground has frozen, but there is still plenty of life and beauty to be found in Bunny Mellon's garden. Take a look at our photo gallery to explore Oak Spring's Garden in Winter >
Looking Ahead. We are partnering with the Google Cultural Institute to create online exhibitions of the Oak Spring collection. We're looking forward to joining the ranks of institutes like National Gallery of Art, which already has 637 items from the Mellon collection hosted on GCI.
Outreach. There is still time to see our exhibition at the New York Botanical Garden! Redouté to Warhol: Bunny Mellon's Botanical Art is open until February 12. It includes nearly 80 masterpieces from the Oak Spring Library that you won't want to miss! Get tickets here >
Jane Loudon (1807 - 1858)

Gardening is a wholesome practice that can help fill your plate with food and your mind with peace. It wasn't always the case, however, that horticulture was accessible to those without a background in research or medicine. Jane Loudon was a pioneering writer and artist whose thinking was ahead of her time in more ways than one. She was a science fiction writer before "science fiction" was a literary term and a champion of the everyday gardener. Keep reading here >
From the Library - English Landscapes of the 18th Century
Video: Landscapes are critical to the identity of a place, and often, by extension, the people who inhabit it. Watch visiting scholar Paul Stamper describe a few items from our collection that highlight the significance of landscape design in and around the 18th Century.
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