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November 2016

Newsletter Archive

November 2016


OSGF is dedicated to engaging people in the world of plants.
November 2016
Welcome to the Oak Spring Garden Foundation!
The Oak Spring Garden Foundation is the extraordinary legacy of Rachel Lambert Mellon. Bunny Mellon was a lifelong collector of exceptional books, manuscripts and art on plants, gardens and landscapes. She was also a world-class gardener of international stature with a limitless curiosity and appreciation of the natural world.

The gifts of Bunny Mellon – her residence, garden, estate and Library – are at the heart of the Oak Spring Garden Foundation. Central to its mission is to inspire and develop leaders in plant and garden-related studies and practice through fellowships, internships, residencies and workshops.

We’re thrilled to be sharing our first newsletter and look forward to updating you each month on our new programs, upcoming events, and highlights from the Library and gardens. Thanks for tuning in and help us spread the word about Oak Spring!
Sir Peter Crane, President
Sir Peter is a renowned botanical researcher and evolutionary plant scientist. He previously served as Director of the Field Museum in Chicago, Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, in the U.K. and Dean of the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies. See Fauquier Now's recent interview with Sir Peter and meet the rest of our leadership board here.
Video: Sir Peter Introduces OSGF's Mission and Values
Welcome to Oak Spring Garden Foundation
Programs. Oak Spring's upcoming garden interns from the New York Botanical Garden joined us this month for an orientation to the gardens and grounds. We can't wait to have them start their 6-month internships in April! Read More >
In the Garden. OSGF actively maintains Bunny Mellon’s garden as she managed it herself, a standing tribute to her mastery of gardening and her simple yet eloquent style. Flip through our photo gallery to see our Garden in Autumn >
Convenings. Leaders in agriculture and conservation gathered at Oak Spring to share knowledge, build new partnerships and strategize on the protection of agricultural biodiversity. Read Sir Peter's editorial about the conference. 
Outreach. Nearly 80 masterpieces from the Oak Spring Library are now on display at the New York Botanical Garden. See a preview of this exciting exhibition on our Media Page and Get Tickets Here >
Elizabeth Blackwell (1707 - 1758)

A botanical illustrator, painter and engraver, Elizabeth is best remembered today for A Curious Herbal - her beautiful and comprehensive book describing over 500 medicinal plants. Lesser well-known, but equally intriguing, are the circumstances under which the book was conceived: Elizabeth began the work to raise the money to secure her husband's release from debtor's prison.  Keep reading here > 
Copyright © 2016 Oak Spring Garden Foundation, All rights reserved.

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