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January 2018

Newsletter Archive

January 2018


OSGF is dedicated to engaging people in the world of plants.
January 2018
Looking ahead.
The Oak Spring Garden Foundation has been growing in more way than one. In 2018 we will have an additional 440 acres of land and facilities from which we will run our programming, due to our recent purchase of Rokeby Farm. We will be hosting more conferences, funding more fellowships and sharing more stories. As we look ahead to our growing activities, we invite you to look back at our accomplishments in the past year:
A Look Back at OSGF in 2017
"Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'what are you doing for others?'"
– Martin Luther King Jr.
This week we celebrated the life of Martin Luther King Junior. As we look ahead to the new year, we remember the optimism of Dr. King and hope to embody the ideals he promoted in the work we do. We honor underrepresented voices in the world of plants and aim to share the stories of how individuals from all walks of life have made the world a better place for plants and people. 
Plants in the news. Yale e360 has some wonderful articles highlighting plant-related issues and the environment. Follow them for more stories to come, and check out their article on bringing native forests back to coal country here.
Pioneer. Plants have long been used to treat ailments, but few stories characterize both the role of plants in modern science and the struggle for civil rights and equality than that of Percy Julian.  Read his story here.
Robert Furber (1674-1756)

The Oak Spring Garden Library houses Robert Furber's best-known work, Twelve Months of Flowers. This catalog comprises an illustration for each month of a bouquet containing the best flowers to grow that month. Beginning in January, we will highlight each of these monthly illustrations and discuss the seasonal plants illustrated within.
The Bounty of January: Robert Furber, Oak Spring, and Winter Gardening
Copyright © 2016 Oak Spring Garden Foundation, All rights reserved.


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