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March 2018

Newsletter Archive

March 2018


OSGF is dedicated to engaging people in the world of plants.
March 2018
International Women's Day
Today is International Women's Day, and we are now in the midst of Women's History Month: a time to reflect on the past and strive towards a future where all women are afforded their due respect and appreciation.

Our founder, Rachel Lambert "Bunny" Mellon, was a woman of unique influence whose long life spanned a period when women had a more marginalized role in society. As we share the gifts of Bunny Mellon with the world, we do so with a specific appreciation for the role that women have played in the history of science, art, and horticulture, and seek to help expand opportunities for women into the future. We are celebrating the women in our collection with exhibits on our Google Arts & Culture partner page.
Women Botanical Artists
Internships. We are accepting applications for our paid 2018 Summer Internship Program, open for current students and recent graduates who are interested in advancing our mission in a variety of ways. Read more and apply on our Opportunities Page.
Convenings. Oak Spring hasn't been dormant this winter. Over the past two months, the estate has been a bustling convening space for interns, scholars, and leaders from around the world. Take a look at our winter gatherings.
Travel & Discovery. One international group we recently hosted was the National School of Landscape from the King's Kitchen Garden at Versailles. Read their blog about their travels to Oak Spring and other significant gardens in the area.
Pioneer. The treasures of the Oak Spring Garden Library reflect the passions of Bunny Mellon, which in some cases extend beyond the world of gardens. Read our recent blog about Phillis Wheatley, a pioneering woman whose works are represented in our collection.
Scientific and Aesthetic: Works that Influenced Versailles and Oak Spring
Scientific and Aesthetic:
Highlights From Our Collection That Influenced Versailles and Oak Spring
March Bouquet
Amidst the decadent bounty of this March bouquet from Robert Furber's (1674-1756) "Twelve Months of Flowers," one item stands out for its simplicity. Tucked towards the back of the pot sit a few small red buds listed as "Virginian Flowering Maple." These innocuous red buds do not normally appear in floral arrangements. Today they go by another name: the red maple, or Acer rubrum. Though now we think of red maple in terms of fall color and summer shade, Furber's inclusion of the maple in this botanical bounty shows the value of this American species in the European markets of the 1700's.
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