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May 2018

Newsletter Archive

May 2018


OSGF is dedicated to engaging people in the world of plants.
May 2018
Capturing beauty and conserving nature.
Creating botanical art requires a discerning eye and a deft hand. Careful observation and action are also necessary in the ways we approach the conservation of nature. It isn't surprising, then, that botanical art can offer a useful lens through which we examine mankind's deep connection to the natural world and explore ways of protecting that world for the future. 

At the
Oak Spring Garden Foundation, we aim to highlight and strengthen the connections between the beautiful and the life-giving. Read below to engage with our materials, learn of our recent activities and opportunities, and to celebrate Worldwide Day of Botanical Art.
Explore Our Collection
Today is Worldwide Day of Botanical Art, a day where exhibits celebrating botanical art can be viewed around the globe. Botanical Art Worldwide is a collaboration between 25 countries to create and exhibit botanical art focusing on native flora in order to connect individuals and institutions, and to draw people closer to the wonders of the botanical world. The American Society of Botanical Artists partnered with the US Botanic Garden to create an exhibition on America's Flora. Read OSGF President Sir Peter Crane's introductory essay for the exhibition catalogue here >
Fellowships. OSGF will award $10,000 each to one early career artist and one early career scholar, while providing opportunities to engage with OSGF's library and estate. We are excited to open up the Eliza Moore Fellowship for Artistic Excellence to a broader group of candidates. The deadline to apply is June 10th. Learn more >
Plants in the News. Plant life continues to be a central thread connecting some of the world's most pressing issues. Read Yale e360's article about how seeds smuggled out of a war zone may help secure America's food future >
Homecoming. This month, OSGF unveiled a replica statue in the courtyard at Oak Spring where the original once stood. The statue of Paul Mellon's famous racehorse, Mill Reef, returns in the 50th year after the champion's birth >
May Bouquet
May is a month known for beautiful blooms and gardens bursting with life. It is fitting that this May bouquet from Robert Furber's (1674-1756) "Twelve Months of Flowers" is so vibrant in its floral selections. 

It includes springtime favorites like tulips, ranunculus, hyacinths and lilies. If you look carefully, you'll also see "Virginian Columbine" listed, likely Aquilegia canadensis, a wildflower native to much of eastern North America, including Virginia.

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