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November 2018

Newsletter Archive

November 2018


OSGF is dedicated to engaging people in the world of plants.
November 2018
A Time for Gratitude.
This week we show thanks to military veterans for their service, and next week many of us will gather together with family and loved ones to celebrate Thanksgiving. We owe gratitude to the land, the food it yields, and the people we share the food with.

At the Oak Spring Garden Foundation, we are thankful for everyone who has played a role in making our work meaningful. Whether it's collecting the oral histories of staff who served in the military and have worked on our land for decades, or developing our programing to support future generations of leaders, we are continuing our efforts to honor the past while paving the way to a brighter future for plants and people. 
Opportunities. We are accepting applications for three 2019 fellowships: The Eliza Moore Fellowship for Artistic Excellence, The Stacy Lloyd III Fellowship for Bibliographic Study, and an all-new Bio-Cultural Conservation Farm Fellowship. Learn more and apply >
The First Flower. We recently hosted a group of 15 students for a two-week-long training program on methods for studying plant evolution being used for the eFLOWER project, whose aim is to uncover mysteries of the earliest flowering plants. Learn more about the program here >
Repton Revealed. The Garden Museum in London recently opened an exhibition celebrating the bicentenary of the landscape gardener Humphry Repton's death. The exhibit features a new video animating one of Repton's works from the Oak Spring collection, brought to life with narration by Jeremy Irons. Read about the exhibit and watch the video here >
WWI Plants. Red poppies and paper facsimiles of the flower, called remembrance poppies, have long been used to celebrate Armistice Day. To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Great War's end, we look at a few of the plants that have helped us heal in times of war, both literally and figuratively. Read our blog about poppies and sphagnum moss >
Preservation and Activation. We are thankful to our founder, Rachel "Bunny" Lambert Mellon, for her generosity and foresight in establishing OSGF. We are often asked how we are honoring Mrs. Mellon's legacy by preserving her home and gardens. We are honored to have the opportunity to both preserve Oak Spring and to bring it to life for the public good >
The Gardens of Bunny Mellon by Linda Jane Holden is now out on shelves. Featuring photography by Roger Foley and a foreword by OSGF President Sir Peter Crane, it gives readers an unprecedented look into Bunny Mellon's gardens, including Oak Spring. Learn more >
November Bounty

For November, we are highlighting this arrangement from Robert Furber's (1674 – 1756) "Twelve Months of Fruits,” which includes 29 varieties of apples grapes and pears. A week from today, many of us will be sitting at the Thanksgiving table, reflecting on our gifts while we dine on produce from the land. This selection of fruits, beautifully composed in Furber's work, reminds us the vitality of the plant world is something to feast our eyes and mouths on alike.  
A rich resource. 
All four of the Oak Spring Garden Library's discursive catalogues are now available for free online through ISSUU. You can flip through the pages, explore the images and search the volumes for keywords like plant and artist names to find information on some of the greatest works held in our collections. We will continue to expand on these online resources in order to make our materials more accessible around the world. Explore these works on our ISSUU page >
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