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February 2019

Newsletter Archive

February 2019


OSGF is dedicated to engaging people in the world of plants.
February 2018
Opportunities on the Horizon.
As we move into a new year, we are encouraged by the people, plants, and possibilities that have been part of Oak Spring in the past. 2018 was our most active year yet – maintaining our land, developing our programming, and reaching out to thousands of people to share our resources – and we plan to continue to do more. Read below to look back at our busy 2018 and to see what's coming up in 2019.
Take a look back at OSGF's highlights from 2018.
Announcing our 2019 Fellows and Artists in Residence
We are thrilled to announce the recipients of the 2019 Stacy Lloyd III Fellowship for Bibliographic Study, the Eliza Moore Fellowship for Artistic Excellence, as well as eight artists who will participate in our 2019 Artist in Residence program. Click here to meet the cohort and learn more.
Internships. We are accepting applications for internships available as early as March. Our 2019 Horticulture Internship will let you grow your skills in the garden, and our summer Energy Internship is a special opportunity to develop sustainable energy solutions on a large property.  Learn more and apply >
Open Access. Plants People Planet is a new, open access journal from the New Phytologist Trust. They recently published a paper by OSGF President Peter Crane on the evolutionary and cultural history of Ginkgo biloba, one of our favorite plant stories. The paper is available for free for anyone interested in plants. Read the article >
During Black History Month, and 11 other months of the year, we take inspiration from figures of the African Diaspora, who – through their work in art, science, agriculture and more – have struck a chord of resonance with the Oak Spring Garden Library. Here are a few of their stories:
  • Anne Bethel Spencer – whose poems greatly contributed to the black literary movement of the 1920s, and whose garden became a salon for African American intellectuals and artists.
  • George Washington Carver – whose fame as the "Peanut Man" is often celebrated, but whose contributions to the development of ecological agriculture are sometimes overlooked. 
  • Dave the Potter – who spoke through inscriptions on the pottery that he expertly crafted while enslaved in South Carolina. 
  • Phillis Wheatley – who was the first published African-American poet and, despite being enslaved, helped define the voice of a new nation. 
  • Percy Julian – whose research on chemical compounds derived from plants led to medical breakthroughs that have saved millions of lives. 
  • William Edmondson – who was the first African American artist to have a solo exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art, with sculptures that he called "miracles." 
Copyright © 2019 Oak Spring Garden Foundation, All rights reserved.


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