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March 2019

Newsletter Archive

March 2019


OSGF is dedicated to engaging people in the world of plants.
March 2019
Her Natural History.
During Women's History Month, we are thrilled to be participating in #HerNaturalHistory, an online campaign joining institutions from around the world to increase awareness of and information about women in the biodiversity sciences, organized by the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL). The campaign kicks off this Friday, on International Women's Day, with a social media blitz and will continue the rest of the month with stories and activities you can participate in. Check out BHL's blog about the campaign and follow our social media to share our posts and join the discussion using the hashtag #HerNaturalHistory.
Once Upon a Try. OSGF is joining over 110 institutions around the world participating in this new project from Google Arts & Culture about inventions and discoveries that have changed history. Check out the Once Upon a Try project page and then explore our exhibits on the discovery of medicinal plants and the people and plants shaping modern medicine.
Once Upon a Try Press Release


Join us this Friday at 2pm ET by Facebook Live to get a behind-the-scenes look inside the Oak Spring Garden Library. We will explore original works by Elizabeth Blackwell, whose "A Curious Herbal" is equally as fascinating for its scientific significance as for the improbable story behind its creation. 
Facebook Event Page
Citizen Science. Take action by joining the Women in Natural History Wikipedia Editing Workshop from 10am-2pm ET on March 13th! You can attend online or in person at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History Library, and contribute to better representation of women on the largest general reference work on the World Wide Web. Learn more and register >
Opportunities: OSGF is looking for summer interns! Check out our Opportunities Page for the postings. Virginia Working Landscapes is hiring a summer research fellow to assist with the development of a multi-year project exploring various aspects of wildlife habitat management, done in collaboration with OSGF and the Clifton Institute.
Dorothea Eliza Smith: Few details are known of D.E. Smith's life, but her "Fruits of the Lima Market" – a collection of watercolors that she completed between 1850 and 1853 – stand out for their beauty and commentary on botanical science. Read more >
Beatrix Farrand: Known as one of America's greatest landscape designers, Beatrix Farrand is often acknowledged as a creator of aesthetic beauty. Beyond this, though, she was an innovative and responsive designer who achieved what many landscape architects aspire to today – a perfect marriage of art and science. Read more >
Want more on Beatrix Farrand? The Oak Spring Garden Foundation helped support the new documentary, Beatrix Farrand's American Landscapes, by director Stephen Ives and producer Anne Cleves Symmes, hosted by Lynden B. Miller. It premiers March 15th at the New York Botanical Garden, and you can also see it March 23rd at the National Museum of Women in the Arts as part of the DC Environmental Film Festival. 
Copyright © 2016 Oak Spring Garden Foundation, All rights reserved.


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