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May 2019

Newsletter Archive

May 2019



Opening our doors.

We have more opportunities than ever for artists and scholars working in fields related to plants, gardens and landscapes. Read below to learn about how you can engage with us.

2020 Fellowships and Residencies 

In 2017, garden writer Adrian Higgins penned an article for the Washington Post, "Opening the door to a place of plants and privilege," in which he described the Oak Spring Garden Foundation's "ambitious plans to share its wealth of knowledge." Every day in our work we recognize the privilege of the gifts granted to OSGF in its founding – the beautiful Oak Spring estate and the singular Oak Spring Garden Library.

We are excited to share these gifts by offering robust and meaningful programming to artists and scholars of diverse backgrounds and disciplines.

We are now accepting applications for our Artist in Residence and Scholars in Residence Programs along with our early career fellowships. Finalists will be given the opportunity to join our Residency Programs and the top applicant in each respective program will be awarded the Eliza Moore Fellowship for Artistic Excellence and the Stacy Lloyd III Fellowship for Bibliographic Study – awards of $10,000 each.

Additionally, we are announcing and accepting applications for our inaugural Oak Spring Fellows in Plant Biology and Conservation, an award of $10,000.

Art & Science: We are now accepting Letters of Intent for a 2020 place-based project in the Virginia Piedmont that relates to the vanishing American chestnut tree. This project will be a collaboration of art and science to ask what can be created and communicated with the salvaged split rail fences once a part of the Oak Spring estate. What can be learned from the reasons for the demise of the American chestnut and the struggle for its revival? Learn more >
Conferences: Interested in hosting a conference at the Oak Spring Garden Foundation? We are now accepting proposals for mission-related conferences, workshops and short courses! Discover what amenities the Oak Spring estate has to offer by visiting our Conferences webpage >
On April 2nd, we celebrated Maria Sibylla Merian's (1647-1717) birthday with a Facebook Live video broadcast from inside the Oak Spring Garden Library. Merian – a naturalist and illustrator – is a significant female figure in the history of art and science. Watch the recorded broadcast of biologist and Merian scholar Kay Etheridge's fascinating talk.
Maria Sibylla Merian Facebook Live
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