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Latifa Pelargonium.jpg

Botanical Artist in Residence

 Botanical Artist in Residence program

A Three-Week Residency Program


This program supports botanical artists working to a high national and international standard who create beautiful and accurate depictions of plant species. In 2026, the Oak Spring Garden Foundation (OSGF) will host the sixth iteration of our Botanical Artist in Residence program. Residents selected for this award will reside at Oak Spring in spring or summer, when the gardens and landscape are in bloom. This residency provides botanical artists time and space to work on their own projects, utilizing materials from our formal garden or the broader 700-acre landscape, and to visit our rare book library that includes many examples of historical botanical art. 

What We Provide

Residents will attend introductory tours during their first week on site with other botanical artists, and Interdisciplinary Residents. This will include tours of the formal garden, landscape, and library. After this introduction residents are free to work independently on their projects, explore our 700-acre sustainably managed landscape, and make appointments to visit the library during office hours (Monday – Friday, 8:00am – 4:00pm).  Botanical artists will also be asked to attend about 3-weekly meals with our 2-week Interdisciplinary Residents, who will also be on-site. The meals are a good opportunity to socialize, and learn about what other residents are working on.

Residents are housed in nicely appointed homes where they will have a private bedroom and bathroom, and share a living room and kitchen with 1 – 3 other artists. Botanical artists will also have a dedicated studio space in their accommodations, or in close proximity. Residents will be provided with a bicycle during the residency to help them get around our large, rural site. Due to the relatively isolated nature of our site, some residents may wish to bring or rent a car during their residency.

Botanical Artists will be able to request permission to utilize plants in the formal garden, or other areas of the property. Please note that artists must request permission, and a staff person will most likely assist the artist in removing or transporting their specimen to their work space.

In 2026, OSGF will be happy to offer connections at local organizations where botanical artists will be able to select and procure plant specimens to illustrate for their final piece. We welcome and encourage artists to let staff know their interests before they arrive, so we can make any useful connections ahead of time.

About Our Site

Residents are housed in nicely appointed homes where they will have a private bedroom and bathroom, and share a living room and kitchen. Botanical artists will also have a dedicated studio space in close proximity to their accommodation. Residents will be provided with a bicycle during the residency to help them get around our large, rural site. Due to the relatively isolated nature of our site, some residents may wish to bring or rent a car during their residency.


This award includes a $1,000 individual grant and an offer to purchase one final work on paper for $1,000 that will be accessioned into the OSGF Florilegium, and a 2 - 4 week residence at OSGF. Residents should arrange transportation to Dulles International Airport. We will then arrange transport to the Oak Spring estate in Upperville, VA. Residents who complete this program will be able to apply to our annual Alumni Residency.


Botanical artists with an established track-record and a well-developed body of work are eligible for this opportunity. Only artists working from direct observation of plant specimen to create scientifically accurate depictions should apply. We will consider botanical artists who work in the following mediums: watercolor, pencil, pen & ink, colored pencil, mixed media, oil, acrylic, gouache, egg tempera, original prints (ie. aquatints, etchings, etc.).

We do not accept three-dimensional artwork including botanical sculptures, reproductions, photography, or digitally generated artwork.

Dates and Duration

Please note that botanical artist must arrive on the exact start date, in order to attend the introductory tour that will start early the following day.

Session I: Sunday, April 14, 2026 – Sunday, May 3, 2026

Session II: Sunday, August 23, 2026 – Sunday, September 13, 2026

Selection Process

Preliminary vetting and final review of the applicants will be done by OSGF staff and representatives of the American Society of Botanical Artists.

Quotes from previous botanical artists in residence

“Fantastic experience, and very useful for my work and project development.” Irina Neacsu, 2022 Botanical Artist in Residence


“It was a very special experience. My expectations were exceeded. I would recommend this for any botanical artist from any part of the world.” Fatima Zagonel, 2020 deferred Botanical Artist in Residence


“It was a great experience in all aspects, practicing my English, interacting with other residents and getting to know their projects. Getting to know different species of flora and fauna, and being able to appreciate Bunny Mellon’s gardens, and the experience of living on a farm. Having the opportunity to visit the library and see originals treasures and publications that added a lot to my vision of art, and above all, having time and tranquility to dedicate myself to the study and composition of new illustrations.” Maria Alice de Rezende, 2020 deferred Botanical Artist in Residence


“It was an excellent experience. I enjoyed the peaceful environment and I was inspired by the old books in the collection, the works of other artists and writers, the plants in the main garden and Rokeby property, and the landscape.” Keiko Nibu Tarver, 2020 deferred Botanical Artist in Residence.

Banner artwork by 2022 Botanical Artist in Residence Fatima Zagonel

Oak Spring Garden Foundation supports individuals regardless of race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, religion, marital status, creed, abilities/disabilities, or socio-economic status.