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Perennial Residency

 Perennial residency

A Residency Program for Alumni of our Residencies and Fellowship Programs


The goal of this program is to bring alumni back to our site to return to previous projects or develop new works. This program, formerly known as the “Alumni Residency” is intended to renew and grow our relationships with past residents.

What We Provide

Similar to their initial stay on site, Perennial Residents will be housed in  a private bedroom and bathroom and share a living space and kitchen with one to three other residents.  Perennial Residents are able to use their time as they see fit, and will be included in meals with Interdisciplinary Residents or Fellows that might take place.  Visual artists will have access to a studio space, and writers, researchers or ecologists will have a designated writing space.


Perennial Residents will have the option to lead a workshop, open studio, or presentation after which they will receive an $800 honorarium. Residents should make their own travel arrangements to our site, Union Station or Dulles International Airport where OSGF will provide ground transportation from.


In 2025 more than 190 alumni will be eligible for the Perennial Residency (this includes Curated Artist-in-Residences, Interdisciplinary Residents, Botanical Artists, Researcher in Residence, 6-week Artist in Residences, and all Fellows). Awards will be made based on the availability of our accommodations, and alumni’s ability to convey a timely need to return to OSGF in their application. Awardees must reside on-site for the entire duration of the period agreed upon with the program administrator. We do not allow pets or overnight visitors during the residency.

At this point in time, OSGF does not have a limit on the number of times a resident may return for a Perennial Residency.

Dates and Duration

Monday, January 12 - Sunday, February 15, 2026.

Selection Process

Selections will be made by a team of OSGF staff from across our departments. Residents who can demonstrate that they are working on a time-sensitive project, or a project that requires access to OSGF’s unique resources will receive priority.  Besides this, selections will be made based on the accommodations available. Selected residents request a set of dates that will be approved or adjusted by OSGF staff based on the accommodations available. 

Residents and Fellows must complete an exit survey after their stay at OSGF, and subscribe to our alumni newsletter, the Perennial Post, to receive the link to apply to the Perennial Residency.

Oak Spring Garden Foundation supports individuals regardless of race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, religion, marital status, creed, abilities/disabilities, or socio-economic status.